I am so late to the party...I know, I know.
What makes it worse is that over the Easter weekend I actually watched the whole Amazon Fail debacle unfold on Twitter. For anyone who needs to catch up - this is where Amazon decided to remove some books from search results because of what they felt was Adult Content - basically de-ranking the books without really thinking about the context of the content.
For an author - this is seriously bad news, but for a consumer - I don't want Amazon censoring my searches. I like the recommended books - I like generic searches to bring up stuff I might be interested in.
Is it really anything to do with child safety? How many kids are shopping for books on Amazon - or have a missed a trick with these digital natives?
I have less of a problem with talk of monitoring all Internet use than I do with retail sites censoring their searches. They don't sensor your search in Waterstones...I'm just saying - is this the rise of the high street again?
The patent truth
13 years ago