Friday 13 March 2009

Are we really all Eco-Warriors?

Apparently, 62% of us let environmental concerns influence our purchasing decisions. We're not just talking recycled loo paper here, for tech goods, some 20% of us care about the environmental reputation of a company too.

I think I may be about to call out a taboo, but I'm not sure I do care. In the same way I still buy disposable fashion from Primark, I really don't think the 'green' thing enters my mind when I buy technology. I buy it because I want it, and my choice is influenced by what it does, how well it does it, what it looks like and how much it costs.

The research is by the Carbon Trust Standard, so I guess it didn't look at what else influences our purchasing decisions, or what our order of influence is. I bet I'm not far off the average consumer where brand might enter into it too, but environmental concerns are way down the list.

I mean really, my solar powered calculator was only bought because I could save money on batteries...

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