Sunday 1 March 2009

IQ testing for Facebook users

So maybe Social Networking really is bad for kids brains? The latest person to lose her job after posting comments about her place of work on Facebook is 16 year old Kimberley Swan who commented on the social networking site that she was bored at work.

Poor, poor Kimberley, learning the hard way that you can't always say what you're thinking openly.

Heck, we all do stupid things, but really, what happened to common sense? There was a PR incident recently with some chap heading over to his clients office to give a media training session about social media, dos and donts etc and so forth. Shortly afterwards he found himself in trouble for slagging off the town where his clients HQ was on Twitter. Oops.

Let it be a lesson to us all, that in the same way that you wouldn't announce in a room full of people that your best friend (standing next to you) looks like she's gained a few too many pounds, don't then think it's OK to pop that on this here interweb thingymajig, open to all, even those outside the room. D'oh.

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